Season 3, Episode 10:The Golden Chain
A hasidic family drama that shows how Peretz conceived of Jewish tradition and its transmission.
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Recent Episodes

Season 3, Episode 9: The Dybbuk
In this renowned play, a young bride is possessed by the spirit of her former lover, putting into conflict the claims of the living and the dead.

Season 3, Episode 8: In the City of Slaughter
This challenging poem vents Bialik’s frustration at the victims the Jews have allowed themselves to become, and seeks to change the direction of their national fate by pushing them to reclaim their former courage and nerve.

Season 3, Episode 7: White Challah
In this disturbing Yiddish piece, Shapiro shows how anti-Semites are made, provides an indictment against modern civilization, and forces Jews to confront the escalating violence against them.

Season 3, Episode 6: Kola Street
Asch provides an endorsement of muscular Judaism, ridiculing those who would prevent Jews from standing up to their antagonists.